Buying or Selling Idaho property? Avoid disasters,Get your financing lined up first!!!
Real estate 101 for property buyers and sellers today is all about financing. Make sure you are pre-qualified with your lender. not just a quick phone call to any lender, make sure you have had them look over your tax returns, income to debt ratio, credit report and pay stub info. Lots of lenders will tell you sure you can get a loan. But when you actually get down to writing an offer after months of shopping it would be very disappointing to find out you really don’t qualify. Don’t just take the lenders word, get it in writing, better yet ask them to have an underwriter look over your file. And very important, use a local lender. Many large company’s have out of state underwriters that wont lend on acreages or have other criteria that will eliminate your ability to get a loan from some of those out of state lenders.
Have property to sell, before you list. Make sure your property can be financed.What??? hey its true, some properties wont get financing. Bare land for instance is very difficult to finance. Does your property have more than one home on it? That can be a problem. More than 20- 40 acres, that will be trouble some as well. Small homes on large pieces of land, that will have issues. Even just trying to get a loan to buy a building lot can be very trouble some.
It is tough in lending land out there right now, call some one like me, I can help you ask the right questions of your lender to head off those problems before they become disasters.